Umbilical Cord Blood and Tissue Banking & Delayed Clamping
Science and medicine advance every minute of every day, cures are being found from the most incredible discoveries. Many things we are already aware of have developed into deeper discoveries and usages for our benefit and there are still more yet to be discovered. One of these medical miracles is the collection of stem cells through the umbilical cord blood and tissue.
Years ago the collection or saving of a baby’s umbilical cord or blood was unheard of, but nowadays it’s becoming more and more common as science continues to advance. The benefits of having and using the collected cord blood’s stem cells and/or tissue has in many cases proven to cure the child themselves in the future. It’s also been proven and is very common that the collected stem cells can also be perfect matches for stem cell transfers for siblings and possibly parents too! The simple act of saving and banking your baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cells and tissue, which would be otherwise thrown away after birth, can become a literal life-saving “insurance policy” for your family.
Within the topic of collecting and banking, the umbilical cord blood collection is typically the most common, but there are now also banks that will collect cord tissue. The blood and/or tissue collected will be sent to the banks where they will be tested to confirm enough is able to be stored and saved. We personally sent in cord blood and tissue and both were enough to be stored, we received a call about a week after it was collected and received the good news. (We went through a company called CBR and we’ve already recommended other friends of ours there as well. You can learn more about them HERE)
When doing your research about this, you will most likely also read about the act of performing a delayed clamping at delivery. The act of delayed clamping allows more precious blood to be fed to the baby. If there are any health complications the doctors may choose to do this or you may choose to do this because of the benefits - either way if you do a delayed clamping and still decide to collect and send your samples, there is a high chance of the banks not being able to have enough cells.
Before deciding to perform a delayed clamping or cord blood and/or tissue collection, always perform your own research. Read more about the process and benefits, confirm if your practitioner is able and willing, and contract with a trusted cord blood bank ahead of time. May whatever you decide work well and go smoothly. We hope you never have to use what is stored for anything other than a positive or happy need and may the fact that your child’s precious stem cells are safe and available if ever needed bring you peace of mind. Good luck and be healthy.